FIPA members include Weiss Research, Newsmax, Zacks Investment Research, Casey Research and More!

FINRA Investor Alerts

Periodically releases timely investor alerts. These alerts will give you the information you need to protect your money and avoid scams and other investing problems.

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Understanding Risk (April 25, 2007)
Investing always means taking a risk, but not every investment carries the same level—or even the same type—of risk. For most people, risk means a possible loss of principal. But the risk of investing in insured products introduces the possibility that your rate of return won't outpace the rate of inflation. In other words, your account balance might increase over time, but your buying power might decrease anyway.

Seniors Beware: What You Should Know About Life Settlements (February 8, 2007)
Lately, more and more seniors are hearing about opportunities to sell their existing life insurance for cash in transactions known as life settlements. A life settlement, or senior settlement, as they are sometimes called, involves selling an existing life insurance policy to a third party — a person or an entity other than the company that issued the policy — for more than the policy's cash surrender value, but less than the net death benefit.

Savings Plans — School Yourself Before You Invest (November 7, 2006)
We all want to get our money's worth. This is true when it comes to paying for a college education — but it's also true when it comes to investing for higher education. Since 1997, investors have had the opportunity to contribute to Section 529 college savings plans, which offer tax advantages that have made them a popular investment vehicle for saving for college. The good news is that there is no shortage of college savings plans to choose from — especially given the fact that in many cases you do not need to be a resident of a state to invest in that state's college savings plan. But select with care! Virtually no two plans are the same.

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Martin Weiss Releases White Paper at National Press Club
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FIPA Joins Safe Internet Alliance
FIPA is committed to promoting a safe Internet experience for all online users, and has recently joined a new group to support the development of online safety practices. The Safe Internet Alliance' central mission is to promote a safe online experience and better educate and protect all users, especially children, teens and the elderly, from Internet corruption, crime and abuse. Read more about it here or at

FIPA Director to Serve on Alliance for Investor Education Board
WASHINGTON, D.C.//September 3, 2008//Dallas Salisbury is the new president of the Alliance for Investor Education (AIE), a nonprofit consortium of 19 leading U.S. organizations involved in investor education. The other newly elected AIE officers are: Joy Howell, vice president; John Gannon, secretary; and Gloria Talamas, treasurer.
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Financial Publishers Association (FIPA) Develops Industry Guidelines
The FIPA announces guiding principles to establish uniformity among financial publishers.
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FIPA Members
Combined, the members of the FIPA reach 14 million investors through their regular publications and websites.
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Weiss Research Issues White Paper and IMF Letter on Banking Bailout
September 25, 2008 Weiss Research sent U.S. policymakers a white paper advising that the federal bailout of banks was not likely to succeed. See the white paper here. Weiss also made specific recommendations on additional actions that needed to be taken by the government to add staff to the FDIC to help speed any relief that it would provide in the event that the FDIC deposit insurance was needed by investors.

Martin Weiss Quoted in National Media on Financial Fallout
October 15, 2008 Weiss Research has been quoted in an number of news articles including the Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, the Chicago Tribune and others on the actions by regulators to stabilize the market. Links to the articles can be found at The Toronto Globe and Mail article traced the Weiss predictions of the unfolding economic events back more than a year and can be found here.